Thursday 3 April 2014

How To Apply To Housemanship in Malaysia

Ring ring!!! *Picks up phone* it's semenanjung number 03-******** *Presses answer*
Selamat pagi Cik Annabelle Sinda, ini SPA. Cik ada temu duga pada 19 Mac minggu depan.
You just jam! JAMMED. In shock. The only words you could utter is " Ya ini Annabelle. Oh and ok".

*Puts phone down*



                                           noMNOM..time to eat the phone and be calm like this.

Answering the phone is just a fraction of this step. I call this step::::::::::


For some of us, this might be our first interview we have ever been to! And it can be scary and overwhelming. Fear of not knowing what is going to happen! Well no worries. It's actually not that scary. Just get yourself prepared. And It is almost impossible to fail.

What to prepare:
1) All the original documents which you photocopied before. Put in a proper file. Organise well. Doesn't matter what file. Better the ones you can put on by one and don't need for them to take them out one by one. The clear file.
2) Bring photocopies of the original documents.  
3) Bring a picture and a glue. Or bring a friend who has a glue :P
After prepare your things. Knowledge! Prepare you knowledge.

Things to read on :
Non-Medical stuff:
1) Knowing those in charge in Ministry of Health. Remember their "pangkat" Like our minister now, YB. Datuk Seri S. Subramaniam. Remember until the director and secretary too.
2) Knowing what campaign the ministry is doing. Even those on TV. Just get familiar with it. At least know one.
3) Know the MOH's logo and moto. Just roughly. If you don't know also wont harm you.

Medical stuff:
1) Tropical diseases. Know what are they. Prepare at least a few in  your head which you know from definition to treatment. Examples: Dengue, Malaria
2)Prepare other Communicable and non-communicable diseases. Same as above. Prepare at least a few. Know from definition till treatment.
3) Be aware of what diseases are currently a problem in Malaysia and World Wide.

What else to prepare?
Wear something appropriate. 

Like this. Remember you are what you dress to be. Dress like a professional doctor!!

When i was there this is how it went:
The night before: STRESS LEI!!! Feel head going to explode to do so much revision. Tips: Start earlier ok???????? Don't be stupid. 

I went there around 8 something. Went to the WRONG building. There are 2 SPA buildings. anyways. was there at 8am, prepared my documents then went up at 9. Thinking it was still early! BUT i was late! The man on the phone told me to come at 10. Interview was at 9 instead! I was late. I quickly filled up the form they gave. Haven't finished the man called me there to pass up documents. i did that. as i sat down to finish off my form, the number rang. My friend said, hey! that's you!! go go..! I was like huh? so fast meh?! oh no!!! I quickly got up and went to the door. There were 2 rooms. Room L & M. I was "M" Knocked on the door, someone opened it. Another guy. just like me. As i enter, room was bright. I was 2 ladies seated there infront of me. One from SPA another a doctor. They look friendly. Gave my form to them including the file with the original documents in it. The other fellow, he was panicking. As he havent prepared his documents. He was still searching and taking out each and every documents out. And he found out he left his SPM cert. The ladies were super nice. They said, tak apa apa. So in the room 2 vs 2. There was another chair there. I guess another one havent entered yet. Knock knock. Another person. Someone i knew! Okay and we are complete. There were 3 of us. and 2 interviewers.
1) Introduce yourself. Doesn't matter english or bm.
2)Why do you want to be a doctor?
3) Why pick that university?
4) All there of us were from indonesian universities, they asked what's the difference between the education system in indonesia and malaysia??
5) What specialisation you wanna take and why? I said emergency medicine, they asked to explain about ATLS. 
6) what campaign on tv have you seen done by ministry of health??
7) Explain a bit about diabetes? ( Another person was asked about this, as he said he wanted to be an Internist)
DONE! Was so quick. Nothing to worry right? They wont scold you if you dont know. Most questions they asked were general logic questions. I went out. that was it. In the other room, they asked about Osteoperosis, ATLS, Compartment Syndrome. Things we never expect. Don't worry if you don't know. It's okay. Nothing to be scared. Won't fail you la.. These interviews are just a formality!
Don't worry the hard part is done:

Done & survived with medical school! Almost there!!!!


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